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This Website is owned by Resynergy .

All materials displayed on this Website are protected by copyright. Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, and databases are proprietary to Resynergy and/or their respective owners. Nothing contained on this Website should be construed as granting any license or right to use any such displayed materials without the written permission of Resynergy or such other third party that may own the materials.

We respect and protect the personal data collected and received through this Website. We may use, store, disclose and transfer the personal data to such third parties as necessary, including regulators ang government authorities, and we will only transfer to such third parties that are under duties of confidentiality to us. 

We collect and use personal data primarily for performing services, responding to inquiries, and promoting and marketing services generally. You may request access to and correction of any personal data or request your personal data not to be used for marketing purposes. We retain personal data for no longer than is required to fulfil the purpose for which the data is to be used, subject to legal, statutory and regulatory requirements. 

If you have any questions or concerns about these statements and our practices in collection and usage of personal data for this Website, you may contact us at our address.

Resynergy may change, modify, add or remove any parts of these statements from time to time. Such updates shall be effective immediately upon posting. You acknowledge that by accessing this Website, you are agreeing to the terms as updated. 

(last updated in August 2022)